
Scholarship / Internship / Fellowship Opportunities

Although we are doing our best to list all scholarship opportunities, yet they are evolving and changing rapidly.

Therefore, we urge you to search for opportunities in this portal (click this link) which is the official Government of Canada website for international students looking to study in Canada. 

Moreover, we invite you to check this weblink for another exhaustive list of available scholarships.

College-level research internship award

This internship is only for Quebec college students who will be participating in a full-time, three-month internship over the summer. Established by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) in partnership with Mitacs, the College-level Research Internship Award will offer opportunities for Quebec college students to carry out a paid research training internship within a Quebec host institution. Quebec students, within the fields of natural sciences, engineering, or mathematics will be able to improve their research skills through interactions with professors and hands-on experience.

Value$5,000 CAD

Duration: 12 to 16 weeks, full-time (Summer) or 28 to 32 weeks, part-time (Fall and Winter)

For more information, click here.

Study in Canada Scholarships

Study in Canada Scholarships provide university students (undergraduates and graduates) located in admissible countries with short-term exchange opportunities for study or research in Canadian universities. Candidates should be from the following admissible countries: 

  • Asia: Bangladesh, Nepal, Taiwan
  • Europe: Turkey, Ukraine
  • Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia  
  • Sub-Saharan Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda

How to apply: Express your interest to the professor, no later than January of every year, and his institution will apply on your behalf.

Click here to read more about this opportunity.

CSA Group Undergraduate Research Scholarship

CSA Group Undergraduate Research Scholarship is to support undergraduate students in the pursuit of novel research related to standards. The research is to be conducted over a summer term under the direct supervision of an academic advisor. Undergraduate degree students studying at a publicly-funded, accredited Canadian college or university in their second year of study or higher are eligible to apply. (Deadline is in January, Results are 2 months later, in March!)

Value of the scholarship: $ 5,000 CAD, over 16 weeks (summer months)

For more information, click here.

MITACS Globalink Research Internships

We are participating as a hosting lab to welcome full-time international undergraduate (Fr: 1er cycle) research interns (from Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, India, Mexico, Tunisia, United Kingdom, and Ukraine) in the summer through MITACS GLOBALINK scholarships (internships). Submit your application through MITACS GLOBALINK . Usually deadlines are in September of every year!

NSERC undergraduate scholarships and FRQNT supplement

Several federal and provincial undegraduate scholarships are available for various groups and with various objectives.

The most important of which is the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (Bourses de recherche de 1er cycle (brpc) du CRSNG) and its supplement from FRQNT.

Click here to read more about this NSERC part of the scholarship. For more detailed information about the steps of application to these scholarships, click here to access the thorough guide prepared by Laval University.

Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP)

The Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) scholarships provide students, at college, undergraduate and graduate levels, from Latin America and the Caribbean with short-term exchange opportunities for research (or study) in Canada.

Candidates must be citizens of one of the following eligible countries:

  • Caribbean: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos;
  • Central America: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama;
  • North America: Mexico;
  • South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela.

Please click here (En) or here (Fr) to get more information.

Research assistantships for domestic and international students currently studying at Laval University

Laval University, in Collaboration with Québec’s government, offers partial financial contribution to remunerated (paid) research assistantships for domestic and international students who are currently studying at Laval University! This research assistantship is offered under part-time engagement for autumn and winter trimesters or full-/part-time engagement in summer trimester. This is called study-work program of Laval University (Fr: Programme études-travail).

N.B. To be admissible, students should be registered at Laval University at full-time basis (12 credits) for the trimester envisioned for the assistantship.
N.B. For international Students to profit from this assistantship, they should NOT be already accorded any partial/complete tuition waiver (Fr: exemption des frais de scolarité majorés).

Click here to read more about this opportunity.

Laval University Scholarships

ALL postgraduates receive financial complements (Admission scholarship/Bourse d’admission, and Success scholarship/Bourse de réussite) from Laval University at the beginning and throughout their studies!

Click here to read more. Also click on this link to read more about the distribution of this scholarship. Information on how to apply for this scholarships is available on the intranet of the department.

Leadership and engagement scholarship (of Laval University)

The Leadership and Commitment Scholarships (BLE) is offered by Université Laval to support talented students (Canadian citizens and permanent residents) who demonstrate exceptional commitment in one of the following 6 sectors of activity during their university studies: artistic, entrepreneurial, environmental, scientific, social/humanitarian and sports!

Click here to read more.

Bourses Citoyens du Monde (de l'université laval)

These scholarships aim at supporting the excellent (Excellence axe) and mostly engaged international students (Engagement axe) to conduct their MSc and PhD studies at Laval University. Moreover, these scholarships support also PhD students having the Canadian citizenship or permanent residence to spend at least 8 months of study or research outside Canada or the United States, as part of their doctoral study at Laval University (Mobility axe).

Click here to read more.

Exemption of extra tuition fees for international students

For international students, this link (in French, please translate with web translation function of Google) explains the special consideration of their tuition fees and the conditions for Exemption for surplus (supplemental) fees so that international students pay the same tuition fees as local students.
Given the last program is offered in Quotas per country, Laval University, has additionally a program for exemption of supplemental fees that international would pay. Click here to know more.

All tuition fees for all programs are explained in this link.

Excellence Scholarship/Fellowship "Sentinelle Nord"

Postgraduate researchers studying at Laval University are admissible to apply for the MSc and PhD scholarships as well as the postdoctoral fellowships “Sentinelle Nord".

Université Laval’s Sentinel North program announces every year the opening of the Sentinel North excellence scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships competition, from around September 1 to October 10, every year.

These scholarships and fellowships aim to encourage the best candidates to undertake or pursue research activities within the Sentinel North research program in a transdisciplinary environment.

* Canadian dollars

Candidates who stand out by the excellence of their academic record and the innovative and multidisciplinary potential of their research project are invited to submit their application.

Deadline to apply: early October, every year

OAS Academic Scholarship Program

This Academic Scholarship Program is provided by the Organization of American States (OAS), which is composed of 35 independent states of the Americas: 
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba 1, Dominica (Commonwealth of), Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, The Bahamas (Commonwealth of), Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).

The OAS awards allow graduate students from an OAS member state to apply for scholarships to study in another OAS member state including Canada. We encourage eligible students to apply to these scholarships to experience Canada’s academic expertise by joining our lab.

Students wishing to participate should send their application directly to the National Liaison Agency (ONE) designated in their country for the OAS program.

Click here for more information about open announcements of OAS program.

Canadian Government Funding Organizations

Many federal and provincial funding organization are offering various MSc, PhD scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships on COMPETITIVE basis. These organizations are research domain-specific, e.g. NSERC (Fr: CRSNG) and FRQNT are funding life sciences and engineering research projects. On the other hand, CIHR (Fr: IRSC) and FRQS are funding health sciences projects. 

Click here to read more.

MITACS-JSPS Summer Program

Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program supports researchers in Canada to undertake 10-week summer research projects in Japan.

The program is open to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in all disciplines at Canadian academic institutions. The deadline to apply for the Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program is in November of the preceding year.

Click here to read more.

Programme Canadien de Bourses de la Francophonie

The Canadian Francophonie Scholarship Program (CFSP) is a scholarship program entirely funded by the Government of Canada and designed to build institutional capacities by training employed nationals from developing countries of La Francophonie (37 countries).
Candidates must hold a key position at their home institution so that the knowledge they acquire will benefit the capacity building of their institution.
For more information click here.

Les bourses Mackenzie King

These are scholarships for MSc and PhD students whether Canadians, permanent residents or international students. It is like a supplement of a value of $8500 CAD (variable).
For more information click here.

International Programs of Laval University

Our lab welcomes international MSc and PhD students who would like to join us under the short-term student exchange programs.

Click here to read more about this opportunity.

Study in Canada Scholarships

Study in Canada Scholarships provide university students (undergraduates and graduates) located in admissible countries with short-term exchange opportunities for study or research in Canadian universities. Candidates should be from the following admissible countries: 

  • Asia: Bangladesh, Nepal, Taiwan
  • Europe: Turkey, Ukraine
  • Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia  
  • Sub-Saharan Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda

How to apply: Express your interest to the professor, no later than January of every year, and his institution will apply on your behalf.

Click here to read more about this opportunity.

Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP)

The Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) scholarships provide students, at college, undergraduate and graduate levels, from Latin America and the Caribbean with short-term exchange opportunities for research (or study) in Canada.

Candidates must be citizens of one of the following eligible countries:

  • Caribbean: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos;
  • Central America: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama;
  • North America: Mexico;
  • South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela.

Please click here (En) or here (Fr) to get more information.

International Development Research Centre (IDRC) funds

As part of Canada’s foreign affairs and development efforts, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) champions and funds research and innovation within and alongside developing regions to drive global change. We invest in high-quality research in developing countries, share knowledge with researchers and policymakers for greater uptake and use, and mobilize our global alliances to build a more sustainable and inclusive world.

IDRC offers short-term grants, funding, and awards to researchers and institutions to find solutions for global development challenges.

The scholarship is over 10 to 54 weeks and of a value going up to $ 20,000 CAD.

Please click here to get more information.

Collaboration in scientific research - Québec-Palestine

This was a four-year scientific research collaboration agreement was signed between the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) and the Palestine Academy for Science and Technology (PALAST). Its main objective is to set up a program in Québec universities that consists of scientific missions for researchers from Palestinian universities.

The scholarships is covering up to 4-month visits.

Please click here (En) to get more information.

Canadian program of francophone Scholarships (Programme Canadien des Bourses de la Francophonie)

The Canadian Francophonie Scholarship Program is a scholarship program designed to build institutional capacity through training for nationals of 37 developing countries that are members of La Francophonie and beneficiaries of Canada’s public aid for development.

The scholarships have terms ranging from 6 months – 4 years.

Please click here (Fr) to get more information.

Canada Graduate Scholarships-NSERC/CIHR/SSHRC-Master’s Program

The federal NSERC scholarship for MSc degree is granting $17,500 for 12 months, non renewable.

Click here (En) or here (Fr) to read more details about this scholarship.

Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship

The Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship provides a long-term funding and internship option for master’s and PhD students. Recipients can also access professional development training that helps them ensure project success and gain in-demand career skills.
There is no deadline.
For more information click here.

CSA Group Graduate Scholarship

This is MSc complementary scholarship of a value of $10,000 CAD per year for two years under a MSc’s program, that is to be complemented from ou lab’s funds. (deadline is in March and the results are published two months later, in May!)

The research can be conducted in any field (e.g. engineering, social sciences, health sciences) and must include standards as a significant component of the research. (Click here for more information)

Admissibility condition:

  1. Both international and local applicants.
  2. Students must be accepted to a graduate program for full time studies at the Master’s level, or must be currently be enrolled in a Master’s program at a publicly-funded, accredited Canadian University to apply;
  3. Students must be enrolled in a Master’s program within the eligible two-year time period to hold the award.

ESSOR - Famille Pierre Viger

This is MSc partial scholarship of a value of $10,000 CAD over one year, non renewable, to be supplemented with an equivalent amount from the research supervisor. (deadline is in March)

Admissibility condition:

  1. Have Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or hold a study permit valid at the start of the program.
  2. Start a master’s degree in the first  summer, fall or winter next to the deadline and be enrolled in full time (12 credits or more per session) or have status “Deemed full-time" during the award period.
  3. During the duration of ESSOR grants, these cannot be combined with a grant from a granting agency (CRSNG, FRQNT) or any other grant of importance for graduate students.

If you have some questions about this grant contact:

Canadian program of francophone Scholarships (Programme Canadien des Bourses de la Francophonie)

The Canadian Francophonie Scholarship Program is a scholarship program designed to build institutional capacity through training for nationals of 37 developing countries that are members of La Francophonie and beneficiaries of Canada’s public aid for development.

The scholarships have terms ranging from 6 months – 4 years.

Admissible countries:

West Africa:

Mali, Benign, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Niger, Togo, green cap, Guinea-Bissau.

North Africa and Middle East:

Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Mauritania

Central Africa:

Rwanda, Cameroon, Burundi, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Chad, Central African Republic, Sao Torne and Principe, Equatorial Guinea.

East Africa:

Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoros, Djibouti, Seychelles.

Pacific Asia:

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Vanuato.

Americas and Caribbean:

Haiti, St. Lucia, Dominica.

Please click here (Fr) to get more information.

World citizens scholarship - Laval University

This scholarship supports graduate students at Laval university through mobility grants with the objective of immersing them in different cultures, in countries other than Canada and the United States, to make them leaders of tomorrow as citizens of the world.

It has two tracks:

  1. Academic excellence. (needs just a recommendation from your research supervisor) 
  2. Civic engagement and leadership. (needs filling an application form)

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

This is the most prestigious PhD Scholarship of Canada. It offers $50,000 CAD per year for three years to support current or future PhD students and to which both Canadian and international students are admissible.

Click here to read more.

Merit scholarship program for foreign students (PBEEE), FRQNT

The provincial FRQNT scholarship for MSc, PhD and postdoctoral as well as short term training is granting:

Doctoral research scholarships:  $25,000 a year for 3 years, with a possible extension of up to 12 months (monthly allowance of $1,000). The doctoral scholarship is very competitive and on the institutional level requires that applicants have at least 2 articles (accepted or published) from their MSc degree, and that the GPA of the MSc is not less than 4/4.33 grading system (Click here to download a calculator for your GPA). An explanation Word file can be found here to learn how to calculate your GPA.

Postdoctoral scholarships: $35,000 for one year (cannot be renewed).

Short-term research or professional development scholarships: $3,000 a month for a period of up to four months.

Click here (En) to read more details about these scholarships.
Click here to read about the internal Laval University regulations and deadlines of this scholarship.

The deadline is in September. (N.B. The institutional deadline is in July)
For more generic information about the scholarship click here.
For more institution-specific application procedures, click here:

  1. Apply, at the registrar’s office, for PhD in Biochemistry program provided by Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bioinformatics. (registration fees apply)
  2. Attach this letter of acceptance provided by Pr. Ahmad Saleh (email or PDF) indicating his acceptance to supervise you under a PhD in Biochemistry program.
  3. Open an account a Canadian Common CV (CCV) (using Vanier-Banting CV output), fill in your CV and export it as a PDF file to attach it later in your application.
  4. Write a presentation of the doctoral research project proposal (title and brief description including introduction, research problematic, research goals, methodology and the contribution of the project to the advancement of knowledge in the field (max. 2 pages). It is possible to add a bibliography, max. half a page (indicate three to five relevant publications).
    N.B. You can download this document and use it as template for your research proposal writing.
    You need to give at sufficient time for the supervisor to discuss with you the research topic and revise your document.
  5. Make sure you have all other requested documents ready as mentioned in this checklist.
  6. Apply for PBEEE PhD scholarship through your account at “MonPortail”. (or click here and click on the button in the upright corner of the page : “SOUMETTRE VOTRE CANDIDATURE”)
    You need to read all instructions.

Governmental Funding Organizations

Many federal and provincial funding organization are offering various MSc, PhD scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships on COMPETITIVE basis.

They are offered to Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

These organizations are research domain-specific, e.g. NSERC (Fr: CRSNG) and FRQNT (the FRQNT is offering also PhD scholarship – reintegration track) are funding life sciences and engineering research projects. On the other hand, CIHR (Fr: IRSC) and FRQS are funding health sciences projects. 

Click here to read more.

Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship

The Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship provides a long-term funding and internship option for master’s and PhD students. Recipients can also access professional development training that helps them ensure project success and gain in-demand career skills.
There is no deadline.
For more information click here.

CRIBIQ funds

The goal of the CRIBIQ research program is to co-finance innovative collaborative research projects involving enterprises and public research institutes that share a common interest in the development of bio-based products. Funding of such projects by CRIBIQ is provided in the form of non-reimbursable financial contributions granted by Quebec’s Ministry of Economy and Innovation (MEI).
For more information click here.

Canadian program of francophone Scholarships (Programme Canadien des Bourses de la Francophonie)

The Canadian Francophonie Scholarship Program is a scholarship program designed to build institutional capacity through training for nationals of 37 developing countries that are members of La Francophonie and beneficiaries of Canada’s public aid for development.

The scholarships have terms ranging from 6 months – 4 years.

Admissible countries:

West Africa:

Mali, Benign, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Niger, Togo, green cap, Guinea-Bissau.

North Africa and Middle East:

Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Mauritania

Central Africa:

Rwanda, Cameroon, Burundi, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Chad, Central African Republic, Sao Torne and Principe, Equatorial Guinea.

East Africa:

Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoros, Djibouti, Seychelles.

Pacific Asia:

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Vanuato.

Americas and Caribbean:

Haiti, St. Lucia, Dominica.

Please click here (Fr) to get more information.

World citizens scholarship - Laval University

This scholarship supports graduate students at Laval university through mobility grants with the objective of immersing them in different cultures, in countries other than Canada and the United States, to make them leaders of tomorrow as citizens of the world.

It has two tracks:

  1. Academic excellence. (needs just a recommendation from your research supervisor) 
  2. Civic engagement and leadership. (needs filling an application form)

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships

As the most prestigious postdoctoral award in Canada, the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded to the very best postdoctoral researchers, both nationally and internationally. Its annual value is $70,000 CAD per year for two years.
The deadline is in September. (N.B. The institutional deadline is in August)
For more generic information about the scholarship click here.
For more institution-specific application procedures, click here:

  1. Applicants must open an account at ResearchNet and fill an application form for Banting Scholarship.
  2. Applicants must submit a complete copy of their electronic application from ResearchNet to Pr. Ahmad Saleh, for revision, by email:
    Deadline: July.
  3. After approval by Pr. Ahmad Saleh, applicants must submit a complete copy of their electronic application from ResearchNet to the “Scholarships and Financial Aid Office, BBAF" by email at:
    Deadline: August.
    N.B. You have to consult the scholarship description and the list of required documents in the BBAF scholarship directory.
  4. A committee of experts will determine the recommended candidates who will obtain, at the beginning of September, the letter of support from Université Laval in order to be able to submit their final dossier via ResearchNet. Only candidates recommended by Université Laval will be able to submit their final application on ResearchNet.
  5. Submit your final application on ResearchNet.
    Deadline: September

Merit scholarship program for foreign students (PBEEE)

The provincial FRQNT scholarship for MSc, PhD and postdoctoral as well as short term training is granting:

Doctoral research scholarships:  $25,000 a year for 3 years, with a possible extension of up to 12 months (monthly allowance of $1,000).

Postdoctoral scholarships: $35,000 for one year (cannot be renewed).

Short-term research or professional development scholarships: $3,000 a month for a period of up to four months.

Click here (En) to read more details about these scholarships.

For more generic information about the scholarship click here.
For more institution-specific application procedures, click here:

  1. Fill the preselection form (Click here to download).
  2. Attach this letter of acceptance provided by Pr. Ahmad Saleh (email or PDF), as your research supervisor.
  3. Open an account a Canadian Common CV (CCV) (using Vanier-Banting CV output), fill in your CV and export it as a PDF file to attach it later in your application.
  4. Write a presentation of the doctoral research project proposal (title and brief description including introduction, research problematic, research goals, methodology and the contribution of the project to the advancement of knowledge in the field (max. 2 pages). It is possible to add a bibliography, max. half a page (indicate three to five relevant publications).
    N.B. You can download this document and use it as template for your research proposal writing.
    You need to give at sufficient time for the supervisor to discuss with you the research topic and revise your document.
  5. Make sure you have all other requested documents ready as mentioned in this checklist.
  6. Apply for PBEEE postdoctoral fellowship by sending the whole package as ONE pdf file attachment to the email:
    Deadline: July.

Mitacs Elevate

Mitacs Elevate provides two years of postdoc funding valued at $60,000/year plus extensive customized professional development training ($7,500/year non-cash value).
The deadlines are in January for filing the Intent to apply and conflict of interest declaration deadline, whereas the the deadline of the final application is in February.
For more information, click here.

Science en Exile

Researchers in exile due to an emergency situation in their home country who face considerable challenges when attempting to pursue their research in a new environment.

Click here to Read more.

Guide for Successful Applications

FRQNT Applications

Click here to access a detailed guide on how to apply for different FRQNT funding opportunities (or download directly from here).

Online Events on scholarship opportunities

Click here to register for the online events and meetings detailing different funding opportunities.

Distinctions / Awards / Priczes

Lieutenant Governor’s Youth Medal

Candidates should be registered in a secondary school, college or university, public or private, or a vocational training center (within a school board) located in Québec, of which the program is recognized by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur; and should 

  • have demonstrated a sustained voluntary action at the community and social levels; or
  • have showed an inspiring attitude, a positive influence inside a group or community;
  • be able to achieve the objectives of her or his curriculum.

Click here to read more about this opportunity.