Presentation entry form

Presentation feed form

Presentation (Oral/Poster) Feed Form


  1. The publication types included here are those involving direct person-to-person interaction with an audience that is specialized in the domain or not.
  2. Provide all author names while using their name formats that exactly match their official publication names usually used (Check their previous publications).
    Authors name (initials then last name then ";" between two names), e.g:
    E. Déziel; A. M. Abdel-Mawgoud.
  3. When a student is making an oral presentation, he/she put their name in the first then that of the supervisor the last. 
  4. Feed all featured figures that you think representative and/or showing the value of your work.
    Note: Do not attach images of tables unless really necessary!
  5. Put the full name of the (Conference/Symposium/Meeting/Broadcasted interview/Magazine article) not its abbreviated name.
  6. Add the link of the presentation, if any.

Information of the submitter

Details on the Presented Work

Sample Figures

Upload best sample figures (including graphical abstract if relevant), in JPG or PNG formats, including whenever possible their descriptions (legends) so that the images could be easily interpreted.


Please, report any award, prize or award associated with your presentations.

Whether to delay publishing on the website

If you think your entry should not be published on the website, until results are published or patent is filed.