
Congratulations Zacharie!

Congratulations to Zacharie for getting the very competitive NSERC-Undergraduate Student Research Award during his research internship this summer 2020 at our lab! Good continuation Zacharie!

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Welcome Zacharie!

We are happy to welcome Mr Zacharie Morneau, as a Undergraduate intern, to our lab. He will be working this Summer 2020 on a project where he will conduct comparative lipidomic profiling of some oleaginous yeasts.

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MSc position – Autumn 2020

***English version follows*** Un poste de maîtrise est disponible pour l’automne 2020. Titre du projet: « Développement d’outils génétiques pour l’ingénierie de la production de cellulose chez Komagataeibacter ». Ce projet est une collaboration entre Pr. Abdel-Mawgoud (Supervisor) and Pr. Younès Messaddeq (Co-supervisor). Date limite interne pour postuler: 1 mai 2020. Si vous êtes interessé.e, postulez SVP via le […]

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Repercussions of COVID-19

Our research activities requiring physical presence in our labs are suspended to at least May 1, 2020 in accordance to the Governmental and to Laval University’s safety guidelines and measures taken to slow down the spread of COVID-19. While we understand what this might cause to our current and future lab members, we are working […]

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Welcome Meryam!

We are happy to welcome Madam Meryam Magri, as a MSc intern, to our lab. She will be working this Summer 2020 on a project where she will apply Metagenomic data mining for the discovery of new glycolipids.

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Welcome Omar!

We would like to cordially welcome Mr. Omar Fliss for joining our lab as an MSc research intern this summer 2020. He will be working on “The genetic engineering of bacteriocin antibiotics”.

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Welcome Julie!

We are happy to welcome Madam Julie Fréchette, MSc, to our lab where she will be working on the “Bioengineering of bacterial celluloses” under a collaboration between our Lab and Pr. Younès Mesaddeq’s lab this Winter 2020!

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Intern Position (Bacteriocins)-Summer 2020

***English version follows*** Une opportunité pour un stage rémunéré (temps complet), est disponible cet été 2020. Ce projet est une collaboration entre les laboratoires du Pr. Ismail Fliss et du Pr. Abdel-Mawgoud. Date limite interne: 16 février 2020. Si vous êtes interessé.e, postulez via le lien: Titre : « Génie métabolique des levures pour la production de […]

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Dynamic Metabolomics for Engineering Biology

An interesting synthetic biology review article for the engineering of biochemicals. The review article aims at developing strategies to accelerate the “Design-Build-Test-Learn” cycles using metabolomic tools. Click here to read the article.

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Intern Positions – Summer 2020

***English version follows*** Une ouverture très compétitive pour un stage rémunéré (temps complet), subventionné par CRSNG-Le programme de bourses de recherche de 1er cycle, est disponible cet été 2020. Date limite interne: 02 février 2020. Si vous êtes interessé.e, postulez via le lien: Titre : « Etude lipidomique comparative de deux levures oléagineuses » Résumé : Les levures oléagineuses […]

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