Application form

Application Form

Application form


  1. Only files in the “PDF" format can be attached to this form; where the size of each file should not exceed 5 Mb.
  2. The Cover Letter should not exceed 2 pages and might include, amongst others, a description of (each 1-2 paragraphs):
    1. Your motivation to join our lab.
    2. How and to what extent your previous experience fits with our activities.
    3. For prospective post-graduates (MSc, PhD and post-doctorals), it is recommended to provide a brief proposal for the research activities you would like to undertake in our lab (choose one of our current research axes/projects that you can know about from our publications or from what is portrayed on our website).
  3. The minimum admissible score of undergraduate studies is a net GPA of 3.7/4.3 (or a GPA of 3.4/4.0), or the equivalent of a minimum % score of 85%.
    Note: If your transcripts are graded according to a system other than the GPA one, you are solicited to calculate the equivalent GPA using this online calculator, or any other equivalent calculators.
  4. In implementation of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) principles, we address particular attention to underrepresented groups. Therefore, please auto-identify yourself if you belong to any of these groups to help us achieve EDI. (Click here to read more about EDI definitions).


To get some tips on how to prepare you Motivation letter, CV and other related documents, please consult this link.

Personal information

Details of your request of joining our lab


Normally, our lab is financially supporting the living expenses of the majority of our lab members in the form of lab-specific scholarships or others. Whether lab- or self-funded, all lab members are luxuriously lab-funded with respect to research activities (research consumables, services, etc.). Given the limited number of lab-funded scholarships we can offer and the large number of candidates applying to join our lab, we are opening the door for self-funded candidates who would like to join our lab using their own financial sources (Governmental scholarships, international scholarships, Canadian scholarships, research grants from the candidate's side, personal funds, etc.)

With that said, we also support international students to apply for funding opportunities that we made available on the website.

Also, consult here the tuition fees of postgraduate studies at Laval University.


All documents should be provided in/translated to English or French.


Provide the names of persons who can describe your capacities.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)